Saint John The Baptist Excelsior Mn }}- What happens when the church can't find baby Jesus a day before Christmas Eve?
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Movies trailers songs reviews news Finding Baby Jesus | St. John The Baptist Catholic Parish | Excelsior, MN | Saint John The Baptist Excelsior Mn
Finding Baby Jesus | St. John the Baptist Catholic Parish | Excelsior, MN - Saint John The Baptist Excelsior Mn - What happens when the church can't find baby Jesus a day before Christmas Eve?
Movies trailers songs reviews news Blessed | St. John The Baptist | Excelsior, MN | Saint John The Baptist Excelsior Mn
Blessed | St. John the Baptist | Excelsior, MN - Saint John The Baptist Excelsior Mn - This homily highlights how all of us are truly blessed to be God's children.
Movies trailers songs reviews news Going Deeper | St. John The Baptist | Excelsior, MN | Saint John The Baptist Excelsior Mn
Going Deeper | St. John the Baptist | Excelsior, MN - Saint John The Baptist Excelsior Mn - In this homily Fr. Carlson preaches about how St. Joseph went deeper in his faith, and how we are called to do the same.
Movies trailers songs reviews news As You Wish | St John The Baptist | Excelsior, MN | Saint John The Baptist Excelsior Mn
As You Wish | St John the Baptist | Excelsior, MN - Saint John The Baptist Excelsior Mn - Fr. Carlson uses the movie the Princess Bride to help explain prayer in this homily.
Movies trailers songs reviews news God's Vineyard | St. John The Baptist | Excelsior, MN | Saint John The Baptist Excelsior Mn
God's Vineyard | St. John the Baptist | Excelsior, MN - Saint John The Baptist Excelsior Mn - Fr. Carlson preaches about the significance of the parable of the vineyard and how Jesus connects Isaiah 5 and Matthew 21, and what it means for us.
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